
Wednesday, Mar 19, 2025 4 min read

10 Ways to Strengthen Your Core


10 Ways to Strengthen Your Core product
10 Ways to Strengthen Your Core

Whether you want to build core strength for better posture or dream of sculpted six-pack abs, there are many ways to strengthen your midsection. Some methods are well-known (hello, sit-ups!), while others are subtle ways to engage your abs throughout your daily routine. Let’s dive in!

First, why is core strength important? The core is the central support system of the body, providing stability, balance, and strength for movement. A strong core helps prevent injury by ensuring proper alignment and stability. Maintaining our upright posture, balance, and injury-free status is particularly crucial as we age! 

With some ab-targeted exercises, proper nutrition, and good health habits, you can achieve not just strong abs but maybe even that six-pack you’ve always dreamed of. 

Here are 10 Ways to Get your Abs in Tip-Top Shape!

  1. Wear a weighted vest while walking 

By now, you’ve probably seen quite a few people walking about with these weighted vests. They provide a safe way to overload exercise by enhancing the intensity of workouts - and the outcome. Weighted vests provide balanced extra weight and increased resistance, which helps strengthen muscles, aid in fat loss, improve cardio fitness, and even impact bone density. While the weighted vest predominantly targets the muscles in the lower body, it also targets the abs. However, it's important to note that using a weighted vest can put extra strain on your joints, so starting with a lighter weight is crucial, gradually increasing it as your strength improves. The additional weight makes the core work hard to stabilize the extra weight - strengthening your abdominal muscles in the process. 

  1. Get a standing desk 

Simply being upright activates your abs, so a standing desk keeps them engaged throughout the day. It works all core muscles, including the transverse abdominis, obliques, and lower back, whereas sitting allows them to relax. 


  1. Do more chores 

Cancel the cleaner and skip the gym - you can get a great ab workout just caring for your home and yard. Here are some chores that really get the abs involved:

  • Sweeping and mopping - The twisting works the oblique muscles while you work.

  • Gardening—Any gardener knows it is a full-body workout that includes digging, planting, squatting, and carrying. It also involves lots of bending, twisting, and lifting, so ensure you have full back support with the Copper Fit X Back Brace. It has a custom adjustable strap system that provides unique stability and replicates the spine's mobility. The brace can fit under any clothing and is ideal for everyday support, injury recovery, or arthritis relief. 

  • Vacuuming - This activates the core stabilizers. To get maximum effects, keep the abs tight, and maintain good posture.

  1. Do basic core exercises - but be consistent

Ab exercises don’t take long, but you have to do them regularly to see a difference. Here are the essential exercises that will hit all areas of the abs:

  • Leg raises for lower abs.

  • Planks for overall strength and stability.

  • Crunches and reverse crunches for the rectus abdominis (the long, flat muscle that runs vertically along the front of your abdomen, commonly known as the "six-pack" muscle).

  • Russian Twists for the obliques.

  1. Get a jump rope

Be a kid again, jumping rope - and all cardio and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) -  is great at burning fat while keeping muscle. It’s a powerful core strengthener because you must constantly engage the core while jumping- forcing the abs, obliques, and lower back muscles to work together to maintain stability and balance. Plus, it’s a quick workout that packs a punch!

  1. Sit on a stability ball while working or watching TV 

Instead of sinking into the couch for your nightly routine, consider “active sitting” on a stability ball. Keeping upright on the ball activates your core muscles to help you balance and the subtle balancing movements required to sit on a stable ball can promote a more natural spine alignment and improve posture.

  1. Up your gym time to include compound movements  

Compound movement engages multiple muscle groups at the same time. Here are a few with maximum core impact:

  • Deadlifts & squats engage deep core muscles.

  • Pull-ups & chin-Ups work the abs dynamically.

  • Squats work the core, obliques, transverse abdominis, and rectus abdominis.

  1. Try yoga or pilates 

Yoga and pilates activate abdominal muscles with slow, controlled movements that require sustained core engagement. This leads to deep core strength. Plus, both workouts improve flexibility, too! 

  1. Walk more

This is the single best exercise for overall fitness that any of us can do. You don’t have to spend money on a class, or fit into a gym schedule, just get outside and move - your abs will benefit!  If pain is keeping you from walking around the block, consider support. Copper FitArch Relief Plus® is an adjustable compression band with a built-in adaptive arch orthotic. It’s designed to provide compression and relief from fallen arches, flat feet, and plantar fasciitis. The built-in adaptive orthotic form fits to your foot and easily fits into most shoes. 

  1. Practice good posture 

Focus on maintaining good posture throughout the day and  your abs will strengthen too as the transverse abdominis, obliques, and lower back muscles align your spine. How do we cue ourselves to practice good posture? Web MD says: “Hold your head straight and tuck in your chin. Your ears should be over the middle of your shoulders. Stand with your shoulders back, knees straight, and belly tucked in. Don't let your booty or hips stick out.” 

Many people who sit at a desk all day find it difficult to engage their abs. To maintain good posture, sit upright in your chair. To protect your spine's natural curve, place a small, rolled-up towel or lumbar cushion behind your mid-back. Bend your knees at a right angle, keep them the same height as your hips, and place your feet flat on the floor.

There are countless ways to strengthen your core—find what fits your lifestyle and make it part of your routine. A strong core helps you stay healthy and active and age with strength - and Copper Fit offers the support you need to keep moving with confidence!


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