Poor circulation is a common issue that can cause much discomfort. You might deal with circulation issues due to medical conditions, certain aspects of your lifestyle, or a variety of other factors.
These issues can affect multiple parts of your body, but it’s very common to have circulation problems localized in your legs and feet. The results are often no fun — pain, numbness, cramping, and a noticeable change in the appearance of your feet.
Luckily, poor circulation is treatable, although it sometimes requires your doctor's input. If you think a health condition might cause your circulation issues, get your doctor in the loop before you try any home remedies or DIY solutions.
Once your doctor knows about your circulation issues, you can work on finding some methods to support healthy circulation in your feet. There are plenty of options, from compression socks to quitting smoking, and we’ll cover some of the best in the sections below.
What Causes Poor Circulation?
There are quite a few possible causes of limited blood flow to your legs, including all of the following:
Peripheral Artery Disease: PAD develops when a layer of plaque builds up in your arteries, limiting the amount of oxygen-rich blood that can reach your legs. This condition can lead to poor blood circulation and requires attention from a doctor.
Varicose Veins: Varicose veins develop when the valves in the veins in your legs lose some of their functionality, leading to limited circulation. If you think you have varicose veins, get a diagnosis from your healthcare provider.
Obesity: Weight problems can lead to blood pressure and blood circulation issues. If you’re experiencing some of the symptoms of poor circulation and know you are overweight, lifestyle changes — especially exercise and eating a healthy diet — can help.
Diabetes: Your blood sugar can also impact circulation by damaging the blood vessels in your legs. These circulation issues are a common effect of diabetes.
Blood Clots: Blood clots are clumps of blood that form inside your blood vessels, blocking the flow of a normal amount of blood in your circulatory system. It’s common for this to happen in your lower body.
What Are the Symptoms of Poor Circulation?
Poor circulation in your feet is usually easy to spot based on its uncomfortable symptoms, including:
Numbness: Many people with leg circulation issues experience a tingling sensation in their feet that can last for long periods. This sensation is similar to what we might describe as having your feet “fall asleep.”
Swelling: Another common symptom of poor circulation that can occur due to fluid buildup in the legs and feet. This symptom is sometimes called edema and can cause your feet to feel heavy.
Changes in Skin Color: Another way to tell whether you have circulation problems is based on discoloration in your feet. Poor circulation can make your feet look paler than usual due to the limited flow of blood.
Coldness: If you feel a chill in your feet regularly, poor circulation may be the cause. Some people simply have naturally cold feet, but others might experience cold extremities due to circulation issues.
How To Support Circulation in Your Feet: Helpful Tips
So, what can you do to improve the circulation in your feet? We have a few helpful options to explore down below.
Get Plenty of Exercise
You already know that exercise works wonders for your overall health, but you might not know about its effects on circulation. Exercising can improve circulation by getting the blood flowing throughout your body, helping you to feel energized and rejuvenated. It’s also fun!
Cardiovascular exercise (AKA cardio) can be especially helpful when your main goal is improving circulation. Consider taking up regular running, swimming, or biking if you’re feeling up for it.
If not, even walking daily can make a major difference in your vascular health and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Stop Smoking
There are plenty of reasons to quit smoking, but you can add improved circulation to the list. Smoking can damage your blood vessels, causing poor circulation over time and increasing your risk of heart disease. As a result, it’s wise to do anything you can to quit, including getting help from your doctor or therapist. It’s worth it!
Quitting smoking can improve your overall health and make it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When you ditch cigarettes, you can expect to live longer, feel better, and eventually stop craving nicotine altogether.
Try Compression Socks
Compression socks apply gentle, targeted pressure to problem areas on your legs and feet. If you regularly deal with circulation issues, a pair of compression stockings can help you stay comfortable throughout the day.
Copper Fit’s Compression socks are infused with copper, making them naturally resistant to odors. They’re also made from moisture-wicking material, which helps to keep your feet from getting sweaty and uncomfortable over time.
In addition, their specialized design helps to prevent chafing and is ultra-flexible, making these socks easy for anyone to wear.
Massage Your Feet
Everyone needs a little bit of self-care sometimes, and giving yourself a massage — or getting one from your partner — is one of the best ways to get some much-needed TLC. Massaging your feet can stimulate blood flow, helping you feel better if you deal with circulation issues or frequent leg cramps.
Limit Your Alcohol Consumption
Did you know that drinking too much can mess with your circulation?
It’s true — too much alcohol can cause circulation issues in the long run, along with having an overall negative impact on your health. It’s always best to drink in moderation and make alcohol more of a treat than a staple. As a result, you may find that it’s easier to control your weight and stay physically and emotionally healthy.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
Obesity is one of the most common causes of circulation issues, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a host of other health problems.
It’s important to love and accept your body, but taking care of yourself and losing weight when necessary is also vital. If your BMI currently puts you in the obesity range, losing weight is one of the best choices you can make for your circulation and overall health.
Instead of trying to lose weight using an unsustainable fad diet or intense restrictions, consult a nutritionist or dietitian for advice about sustainable, steady weight loss. Exercise, diet, stress, management, and more can all play a role in losing excess weight and keeping it off for good.
Drink Plenty of Water
Hydration is another key habit for healthy circulation. If you don’t drink enough water and become dehydrated, all kinds of problems can arise in your body. Aim to drink a generous amount of water throughout the day whenever you feel thirsty, especially after intense physical activity.
Avoid Crossing Your Legs
Here’s a tip you may not have heard before — if you have circulation issues, crossing your legs may be causing you trouble.
Crossing your legs can decrease circulation in your feet, making them feel numb in the long run. If you regularly assume this posture, try swapping it out for a more neutral position, like keeping both feet flat on the floor.
Keep Your Feet Elevated
Elevating your feet is another way to improve circulation, especially during moments when it’s causing you extra pain and discomfort.
When cramps or numbness hit, try lying on your back on a comfortable couch and propping your feet up above the level of your heart. This position can gradually help to improve the circulation in your feet.
Aim To Live a Healthy Lifestyle Overall
While there’s no instant fix for poor circulation in most cases, aiming to live a healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to gradually see improvements.
Eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, practicing stress relief techniques, maintaining healthy relationships, and other key practices can all impact your body’s health and overall well-being.
While making small changes to how you live might seem inconsequential, those little changes can go a long way over time.
As an example experiment, try going for a walk each day and seeing how that habit improves your poor circulation — and your overall wellness. You might be surprised by how your outlook and symptoms change over the course of a few weeks.
Poor circulation is a very common issue, especially as we age. It’s also preventable and treatable!
In many cases, the causes of poor circulation in the feet can be found in a person’s lifestyle. Posture, diet, weight, and more can all impact circulation for better and for worse. If you want to support your circulation, the best place to start is with small changes to the way you live.
In addition, we encourage you to have a chat with your doctor about your circulation issues. Getting a medical professional involved always helps and never hurts.
Adult BMI Calculator | Healthy Weight, Nutrition, and Physical Activity | CDC
Poor Circulation: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment | Cleveland Clinic
Poor circulation: Symptoms, causes, treatment, and more | Medical News Today