Good posture is one of the most overlooked aspects of a healthy body. Practicing proper posture has countless health benefits, but we’ve narrowed down seven of the biggest perks and outlined them below.
Next time you catch yourself slouching, remember all of the perks of practicing correct posture — even when it doesn’t feel natural yet.
1. Proper Relieves Lower Back Pain
If you regularly deal with low back pain, you’re not alone. Slumping in an office chair for long periods can wreak havoc on your upper body, but it’s a common practice for millions of people.
When you do make the switch to sitting up straight consistently, your core muscles will engage, putting less of your body weight on your lower back. As a result, two amazing things happen:
- You can start to experience less pain in your lower back.
- Your core muscles get stronger, making it easy to sit up straighter over time.
This is a prime example of a simple fact: practicing proper posture, like so many things in life, is hardest at first and gets easier over time. Even though it might feel uncomfortable at first, breaking out of the habit of poor posture is worth it to minimize that back pain.
2. Proper Posture Improves Your Breathing
The impact of body posture on your breathing might surprise you, but it makes perfect sense when you think about your anatomy. To breathe, your diaphragm needs to expand.
When you fall prey to bad posture — especially slouching — your diaphragm can constrict, reducing your lung capacity and making it harder to take nice, deep breaths.
Proper breathing can have a major positive impact on your overall health and wellness. To breathe better, sit up straight and engage your abdominal muscles rather than your chest. This practice, often called “belly breathing,” is a technique used to relieve stress — another one of the benefits of good posture!
3. Proper Posture Makes You More Confident
Your view of yourself can make or break your well-being and mental health. One of the reasons posture matters so much is because of the impact it can have on your confidence.
Slouching can make you feel tired and achy but can also lower your self-esteem. In contrast, sitting up tall is a form of biofeedback — it sends a signal to your body and mind, making you feel more confident.
Better posture might not come naturally right now, but if you put in the work, you’ll see returns in the form of increased self-confidence.
4. Proper Posture Can Lead to Higher Energy Levels and Less Fatigue
Maintaining good posture can make you feel more energized and focused, increasing your performance at work and decreasing how worn out you feel after clocking out.
Muscle tension, a common by-product of poor posture, can impact your energy levels, both physically and mentally. When you practice good posture and proper alignment of your bones and joints, your body’s performance is optimized, making it easier to use less energy to get important tasks done.
If you’re chronically struggling to focus and bordering on falling asleep during the workday, check your posture. You might find that making some small adjustments leads to more energy in the long run.
4. Proper Posture Can Improve Circulation
When you practice good posture, it encourages optimal blood flow throughout your body. The right amount of blood flow means you’re getting the right amount of oxygen and nutrients to your organs. As a result, you might experience fewer headaches, less achy muscles, and decreased fatigue.
5. Proper Posture Can Increase Muscle Strength
Sitting and standing properly engages all of your muscle groups without putting abnormal wear on any of them. By using your muscles in the way they were intended to be used, you may find that your whole body gets stronger and more resistant to fatigue.
6. Proper Posture Can Help You Focus
In addition, sitting up straight tells your brain that it’s time to fully engage in the task at hand. When you slouch, you’re engaging in something akin to a resting position, signaling your mind to rest, zone out, and disengage.
While resting is a vital part of a healthy life, you don’t want to inadvertently send the message, “It’s nap time!” to your body and mind through poor posture. If you’re getting distracted while trying to get something important done, your posture may play a role.
Even making small changes, like actively sitting up straight with your shoulder blades pushing towards each other as you type away on your laptop, can help you focus and improve your posture over time.
7. Proper Posture Can Help You Balance
When all of the natural curves of your body are positioned where they should be, it’s significantly easier to keep your balance. As a result, practicing proper posture can make you less susceptible to falling and hurting yourself.
How Can I Tell If I Have Bad Posture?
Bad posture can be tough to spot in yourself. However, there are some telltale signs to look for. If you’re struggling with aches and pains and don’t see any apparent issues with your posture, it might be time to consult a physical therapist or doctor of chiropractic medicine.
Below are some of the most common signs of poor posture:
Shoulder Alignment Issues: If you stand up straight, your shoulders should sit parallel to each other — one shouldn’t be higher than the other. If you notice that your shoulders are unbalanced or rounded outward past your chest, you may experience neck pain or limited range of motion as a result.
The Position of Your Head: The general rule for proper posture is to align your ears with your shoulders. Otherwise, your head will lean forward for long periods, potentially causing issues like tension headaches and upper back pain.
Uneven Hips: Like your shoulders, your hips should be parallel to each other while standing in a neutral position. If you see a major difference between your hips (one sticking outward more than the other), you’ve spotted a potential sign of poor posture.
- Tension Headaches: While headaches can have a variety of causes, tension headaches are often a sign that something is amiss with your posture. A buildup of tension in your neck and shoulders can lead to chronic pain in your head, which is a common issue for desk workers.
How Can I Fix Bad Posture?
Figuring out that you have bad posture can be daunting. It’s hard to imagine fixing something so ingrained in the way you live. However, there are some simple — and very helpful — ways to change your posture for the better.
Notice Your Posture
Pay attention to how you sit and stand if you want to correct your posture. When something’s wrong, your body will let you know, usually by getting tight and achy in a certain area.
Switch Positions
Sitting in the same place for long periods can cause your posture to shift. Every hour, or more frequently if you want, check your posture while sitting and switch your position if necessary.
Promote Good Posture at Work
Your desk setup might negatively affect your posture, but that’s easy to fix. Whenever you can, use ergonomics —the practice of making a work environment as posture-friendly as possible. This might mean getting a chair with lumbar support or putting your computer monitor at eye level rather than too low.
Try Supportive Footwear
Shoes with built-in arch support and custom orthotics can be a huge help in improving your posture. If you notice that your biggest posture issues appear while standing, they may be the result of flat feet or wearing shoes with minimal arch support.
Our Arch Relief Plus Built-In Orthotics are perfect for anyone with fallen arches, flat feet, or plantar fasciitis, all of which are conditions that can cause posture issues. If your main goal is to improve your standing posture or deal with foot and leg fatigue, these are for you.
Try Supportive Backwear
A back brace designed to gently improve your posture while you sit or stand can help you ease those aches and pains with minimal effort. Our Advanced Back Pro brace provides compressions and support to reduce the strain on your lumbar region, making it easier to maintain better posture while sitting or standing.
The Bottom Line
Your posture can make a big difference — either positive or negative — in your overall well-being. It’s also one of the easiest aspects of your life to change immediately; you can adjust your posture as you read this article!
While making small changes to your life can be challenging at first, the practice of proper posture gets easier and easier with time. The more you make the right choices to support your body, the more good posture becomes second nature.
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