
Friday, Mar 18, 2022 5 min read

5 Outdoor Activities You Need to Start Doing

Anna, Team Copper Fit

5 Outdoor Activities You Need to Start Doing product
5 Outdoor Activities You Need to Start Doing

Spring is right around the corner! Jump start your time outdoors with some fresh air, sunshine, and fun activities. Let’s face it, being surrounded by nature and doing physical activities is the perfect way to help boost your mood, get your body moving, and take charge of your health and wellness. Being around trees and nature, even if you live in an urban area, is shown to improve memory recall according to a study by the University of Michigan. So, whether you’re investing in some much-needed self-care, spending quality time with friends and family, or finally getting some alone time, here are five outdoor activities you need to try!


  1. Hiking and Walking


Hiking and walking are great low-impact workouts to get you motivated and healthy. Just 20-30 minutes a day can help accomplish the following:


  • Boost in neurotransmitters like serotonin
  • Improve cardiovascular health
  • Trim fat
  • Prevent or reduce risk of stroke, heart attack, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and more
  • Clear your mind and reduce stress
  • Improve sleep


Hiking and walking are some of the most effective workout regimens since most people are more likely to stick to a simpler routine. Another plus to hiking and walking- no need for an expensive membership or excessive equipment. All you need are some great shoes or insoles to support you along the way. Being on your feet for extended periods of time without proper support, can lead to joint problems, poor posture and unnatural gait resulting in injury or pain. Copper Fit Work Gear Comfort Insoles are heavy-duty and provide extra heel support to absorb maximum impact and shock for all day comfort. Something not only your feet need, but our whole body!


  1. Gardening


Yup, you read that right! Grab a shovel, a watering can and get down and dirty! Gardening isn’t just a hobby your mother-in-law does in retirement; it has quickly blossomed into a trending lifestyle activity. Gardening is the ultimate bridge of the mind-body connection. Gardening has been shown to: 

  • Improve your self-esteem by nurturing and taking care of other living things 
  • Increase happiness 
  • Boost your mood 


Not only does gardening have awesome benefits to improving your mental health, but by gardening you are helping the environment, staying active and getting some good ole Vitamin D! It can also be a fun new hobby to start with family and friends! Don’t let pain hold you back from quality time with your fam -  Copper Fit Compression Gloves are designed to provide all-day comfort for when you most need relief and recovery for sore muscles and painful joint stiffness.


Pique little ones’ interests by giving them their own clay pots and seeds. You can even garden in small spaces or apartments! Whether it be herbs, small plants, or flowers, find an area with lots of sunlight and be sure to check in on them weekly. Place the plants in an area with optimal sunlight and mark their watering schedule on the calendar. This will quickly become an exciting weekly (or daily) activity for the family to participate in and check the progress of the plants. The physical, emotional, and mental benefits of gardening are limitless.




  1. Running


WAIT! Before you roll your eyes, I know what you’re thinking- “I hate running, it’s not for me.” I get it, trust me but what if I told you learning proper breathing techniques can help improve your running performance? Don’t knock it till you try it!


Running is a great total body workout and outdoor activity connecting you with nature. Try starting out with small, manageable runs - your body may see improvements in: 

  • Bone density
  • Muscular health 
  • Increased confidence
  • Fat burning
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Reduced risk to chronic diseases


Not only does running come with a plethora of physical benefits, but running has also shown to reduce stress, depression and anxiety. Sign me up! Having a tough time getting motivated? Try downloading a motivational podcast to push you through. Another option is asking a friend to be your running partner. This is a great way to hold each other accountable!


Copper Fit Tip- Concrete can be unforgiving on joints when running outdoors, check out the Copper Fit Ice Compression Knee Sleeve to help relive sore and stiff joints and muscles- the more you move the more the ICE technology delivers AND it’s perfect for the warmer weather!



  1. Biking


Biking is another great low-impact outdoor activity. It can be done solo, in a group, with a friend or with your family. Biking is also an excellent way to get that heart rate up and you don’t have to spend a fortune on a bike. Check out second-hand deals at Costco, Sam’s Club or Amazon. Biking extolls many benefits like: 

  • Lower-body and core strengthening
  • Better posture
  • Lowered cholesterol 
  • Boosting mood
  • Reduced stress 


Biking is my personal favorite outdoor activity to get my body moving! Limited equipment required, lots of beautiful scenery and so much fun to do with friends and family. P.S. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water!


  1. Water Sports


With the warmer weather quickly approaching, most people love heading to the pool, ocean, or lake for some fun in the sun. Activities like swimming, paddle boarding, surfing, canoeing, and kayaking are just some of the fun activities you can get into this spring and summer.


Swimming is a fantastic low-impact exercise which acts as form of therapy and recovery from injury. Water buoyancy reduces impact and stress when exercising, supporting injured muscles and joints during recovery. Water presses in on injured areas, reducing swelling and improving motion.


Pool workouts are also a great way to stay cool on a hot summer day while still getting your exercise in! Don’t have a pool of your own? Head over to a friend’s house for a fun pool day or get a day pass to your community pool to splash around.


Need more of a challenge? Stand-up paddle boarding is a full-body workout that is fun yet challenging! Paddle boarding can be done year-round with the right water-proof performance clothing. You can even buy an inflatable paddle board so transporting it is a non-issue. Don’t forget to protect exposed skin with SPF 50 or higher, and always stay hydrated. 


Whether you like to walk, bike or swim, the important thing is you’re getting outside and getting your body moving. Enjoy that warm weather with friends and family. Happy spring!


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